Thursday, 9 November 2017

What Does It Take to Live Your Dreams?


Each and every day, people are living their dreams. Millionaires are created. Families form and create tremendous relationships. Individuals get healthier day by day. Life-long learners grow intellectually and improve their lives daily. Let it be you!
The fact is, living the life of your dreams is possible. People prove that every day.
Have you ever looked at someone who has money and wished that it could be you? People think about getting wealthy all of the time, when only a small percentage actually does. But any of the masses could. Someone is going to start a business. Someone is going to make a great investment. Why not let it be you?
Someone is going to decide to improve their relationships. Someone is going to enjoy love with their family. Someone is going to schedule some meaningful time with their friends. Why not let it be you?
Someone is going to become a life-long learner. Someone is going to go back to school. Someone is going to set a goal to read a book each week for the next year. Why not let it be you?
Someone is going to make the decision to become healthy. Someone will run their first marathon. Someone will join an aerobics class. Someone will start eating better. Why not let it be you?
You get the point. Everyday people are improving their lives. It is simply a matter of a decision being made. Let it be you!
But how? By following these very simple actions:

1. Commit to working on yourself.

Are you going to improve or stay the same? No matter what you have achieved, you are at a certain point right now. What you have achieved in the past is fine, but it doesn’t make a difference for the future. The decision about what you will become is made each day and every day.
Each day someone is making the decision to better him or herself. Let it be you.

2. Make a plan.

Once you have decided to become better, you will have to have a plan. It doesn’t have to be a long, intricate plan. It can be simple. Save a dollar a day. Walk a mile a day. Read an article a day. That is a simple plan with achievable goals.
Someone is going to develop a plan that will take them into the future of their dreams. Let it be you.

3. Begin to act.

All of the great ideas, without action, become stale and useless. The key to turning dreams into reality is action. People who have great ideas are a dime a dozen. People who act on their dreams and ideas are the select few, but they are the ones who gain the wealth, health and wisdom that is available.
Someone will act today. Let it be you.
Stop looking at others who live the good life, wishing that you were as well, and instead begin to commit to your improvement, develop a plan and act on it. Someone is going to. Let it be you!

This post originally appeared on

Wednesday, 8 November 2017

Yoga for Complete Beginners - Yoga Class 20 Minutes

As a complete beginner, I've been following this simple video for 6 days - my body feels so much more relaxed.  Try it - and the others in the series!

Tuesday, 7 November 2017

It Only Takes 5 Minutes a Day to Keep Your Brain Healthy

Starting in your 20s, your brain starts to wither—but you can change that. Here’s how to breathe your way to a healthier brain.

With so much to do in so little time, it’s hard, seeming next to impossible sometimes, to squeeze in some TLC. But, especially for the on-the-go types, creating Zen space is not only good for de-stressing, it’s also good for maintaining good brain health.
A recent study shows that starting from the mid- to late 20s, the brain begins to wither and starts losing some of its functionality. “The brain starts to get smaller from the mid-20s onward,” says Dr. Florian Kurth of UCLA’s Department of Neurology. “It’s probably not something that we notice for a long time. People start to notice this later in life when they start to forget things.”

Meditation changes the brain after eight weeks; a scan image showed increased thickening of four brain regions.

His team, headed by Dr. Eileen Luders, ran a test between 50 meditators against a control group of 50 non-meditators. The meditators beat out the non-meditators in keeping their brain mass, whereas the non-meditators showed less brain mass in the scanned images.
Harvard Medical School neuroscientist Dr. Sara Lazur and her team also did a longitudinal study on meditation. It showed that meditation changes the brain after eight weeks. A scan image showed increased thickening of four brain regions in the non-meditators after just eight weeks of participating in the meditation program.
A healthier brain is good reason to start a meditation practice if you haven’t begun already. So what first steps can you take?

1. Find a meditation style and make it a habit.

“Meditation has been associated with improved cognitive abilities and reduced stress levels,” Kurth says. “While we may not immediately notice the long-term protective effects of meditation on normal brain atrophy, one may still get these quicker benefits from meditating.”
He suggests finding a style that works for you (whether that be something like Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction [MBSR] or yoga) and keep up the practice rather than find a perfect style and not keep it up. Lazur mentions doing even a little every day is a good thing, and some studies suggest 5-10 minutes a day.

2. Schedule time for it.

As busy as we are, who has time to meditate? Think of it like brushing your teeth—you take five minutes to brush every day so your teeth won’t decay. In the same way, think of it as a way to preserve your brain’s health. You can spare a few minutes either at your desk, in your car, on quick walk outside or sitting on a park bench. Think of spaces in your schedule where you can take a few minutes off.

3. Start with these simple exercises.

Certified Yoga and Meditation Instructor Alexis Pierce suggests breath awareness helps focus the mind and concentration over time. “It's incredibly effective to gently bring the mind back to the breath and the body. It connects you to this moment, which allows you to release the stressand anxiety of the past and future. You may discover calmness, feelings of lightness and elation, and a quieter mind.”
Ready to get started? These calm meditative techniques can be done in five minutes or less:

V-Shaped Breath Exercise

Close your eyes. Focus on the point between your eyes and imagine air coming in and out in the shape of a wide “V.” Bring it above the forehead, and as you’re inhaling the breath in, have it come wide across the forehead as a “V.” Then exhale it down across the forehead to that point between the eyes.
By starting and ending at this point between the eyes you’re activating the command center calming along the frontal lobe, which is responsible for decision-making. You’re getting oxygen to that area and helping it feel calmer by focusing on the point between the eyes.

3-Part Breath

Close your eyes. Start inhaling deep in the belly, air rising to the chest then upper chest near your upper collar bone. Hold briefly, then exhale three counts out the upper chest, chest and belly.
Feel the air moving into the belly, chest and upper chest as you’re breathing in and out through the nose. Relax and feel all the movements. Do this for a few minutes, feeling the breath pass throughout the body, similar to an ocean wave moving then receding as the body softens. (Watch how to do it.)

Sunday, 5 November 2017

The 16 Things That Successful People Don't Do


Here are the top 16 things that I have found that successful people don't do.
They don't:
1. Spend time feeling sorry for themselves. Did you find it interesting those questions that I asked you placed you in the mindset of feeling sorry for yourself? Well, notice that number one is successful people do not murmur and complain. They don't participate in those behaviors because they are immediate responsibility takers and murmuring and complaining goes against taking full responsibility for their actions and gets their minds thinking about themselves and off their purpose. Setbacks are part of a successful journal which a successful person well understands therefore their behavior and actions dovetail that of someone whose mind is in proper alignment for success. When a successful person experiences a setback the difference is that they will say "O.K. it happened and next" They move on and regroup immediately. They understand that dwelling only digs a deeper hole for them and it does not benefit anyone.
2. Cringe of change. A successful person understands that change is part of life. Change happens and the only thing that they concern themselves with is how they will deal with the change. A successful person takes an instant posture and mindset to embrace change and consider it a challenge. They begin to see change as new and exciting possibilities to grow, enhance their lives, develop more knowledge and because of that positive mindset a change can become a successful person's setting for their best work to be performed.
3. Yield their power. A successful person understands that their strength comes from something much greater than they truly possess. Their strength is in how they respond to situations. I had a brand new car that still had the new car smell inside of it and after a few months of driving the car the car would not start on a morning that I was not necessarily running late but if I did not stay on point I would be late. Every minute was accounted for. Well, when I went to start my car it would not that morning. I remember trying a few times and still no power. I called Triple "A" and they told me that it would be over an hour before they could get to me. I remember thinking to myself after that call to Triple "A" obviously there is something God is saving me from and I shifted. I did not get angry, frustrated or irritated. Because I did not show any of those emotions it allowed me to stay in a right mindset and I was able to think outside of the box and was able to have the meeting over the phone, and having the meeting over the phone saved gas, time and energy driving to it. So it all worked out. Know that successful people maintain control of their emotions and actions, and do not give someone else or something else control over them.
4. Spend time or energy on stuff that is out of their hands. A successful person doesn't allow themselves to spend one minute on things outside of their control. They understand there are things that they cannot control, long lines, being placed on hold, other annoying circumstances. Spending valuable time on things that are unimportant and inconsequential are just that time wasters. Successful people fully understand that these are things they can't control, and also realize that spending costly time and energy thinking about them is unproductive.
5. Fear risk. That four letter word is one that puts fear into most individuals and that word is 'risk'. Risk is not something that successful people fear because by their very nature they are risk takers. I have to believe that if I said it this way that most people would change their outlook and mindset in regards to taking risks. Let me say it this way instead of using the word risk let's use the word opportunity. The reason I want you to change the word risk is because many people will see it as someone jumping into a reckless situation. Successful people handle situations with careful consideration, strategic thought and focused action.

6. Worry about what others think. This is a quality that successful people have in their DNA and it is called finesse. As much as we all want people to like us in everything that we do, successful people realize that is not realistic. They understand no matter what they do and it could be something like curing world hunger, there will be somebody who does not like the way it happened or even that it happened. They understand they cannot and will not please everyone so they approach situations and circumstances with kindness, honesty and fairness, knowing when and what to say at the appropriate time.
7. Make the same mistake twice. Many times individuals can spend a lot of time pontificating on a situation, decision or circumstance that was unsuccessful. This is the very thing that successful people do not do. They take any and every failure as a learning opportunity. The first thing that they learn is to not do it again. They do not spend time in the world of insanity, doing the same thing over and over expecting different results. Successful people know better.
8. Live for glory days. Who can change the past? NOONE! Successful people understand this well. Dwelling and thinking about the past does not benefit anyone, especially if it is something negative. Successful people invest in themselves and the development of their minds and part of that investment is spent creating a fantastic present which they understand is the only thing that they can change and time planning for an amazing future!
9. Give up. Ever! Give up and do what? That is what a successful person says to themselves every time. Giving up is not an option that they have so consideration of giving up is impossible for a successful person to fathom. Perseverance and reaching their goal is the option that they have only.
10. Envy others. Successful people view other successful people as motivators. They use those individual's success as a source of inspiration and not resentment. Successful people have an overall attitude of joy for other's success because they understand that the platform for successful people is large and there is room for everyone. They also know that if you are on that platform you deserve to be there.
11. Avoid time alone. Actually, they enjoy some alone time to reflect and plan ahead. While a successful person does enjoy the company of others, he/she can also be content to sit alone and read or rest.
12. Expect quick success. Successful people are in it for the long haul. They enjoy the process and look forward to the win. They understand that planning and execution of said plan takes well-thought out time. Patience becomes their friend and they understand how it is truly a virtue. Successful people do not live with improper or unreasonable expectations. They understand that their success could take a long time; therefore looking to have immediate results is not smart.
13. Think they are owed something. Successful people are probably the hardest working individuals on earth. These are the individuals who develop cell phones that we love, start a campaign for breast cancer and make pink great, take their talents doing what they love to do but we enjoy watching them in stadiums or on television or create a program where we can talk with our family and friends. Successful people do not rely on their education or past successes. They do not feel entitled to have the world at their feet. They do not mind working for want they desire whether a big salary, fancy title, amazing benefits, or free lunch.
14. Value money over time. Successful people understand that time is the most valuable thing that they possess. They realize that they could lose $100,000 in a day or make $100,000 in a day, but the one thing that they cannot do is get that day back. Therefore, they structure what they do to leverage their time.
15. Rely on memory they write stuff down. The Bible tells me to write the vision and make it plain. A successful person understands that better than anyone. They know that if they do not write it down it is likely that they do not or will not remember the details. Also, they understand that writing it down allows for them to follow a definite plan of action. Since successful people are planners writing things down give them direction, it outlines their purpose, it puts their dreams and desires in front of them as an accountability tool hence success is more likely. Successful people are humble enough to know that no one individual can remember a plan in their head alone.
16. Talk more than they listen and observe. Successful people understand that they should be consummate learners. In order for them to perfect their trade they are to be students at all times. Successful people are aware that it takes a level of knowledge and understanding to achieve at a higher level than the norm. I recently watched a Michael Jackson documentary and he said that he always asked questions, he was always curious. He wanted to be a perfectionist. Although perfection is impossible for us all, one thing that I know is if we strive for it we will come close.
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C. William Harper is a professional Network Marketer dedicated to helping individuals get purpose, be directed and obtain success from their MLM businesses. To find out more about William's Network Marketing coaching and training information resource center, products that can enhance what you are currently doing, tools to grow and attract more prospects and how he grows his business daily at [].

Friday, 3 November 2017

Super Motivation - The Quickest Way to Success


Motivation is a word that has been used extensively in recent years. Motivational speakers are everywhere and dozens of motivational books are published every month. But what does it mean? It is best described as a driving force -- a force that cannot be contained. It is a fire within that gives a person the passion and enthusiasm to reach the highest levels of a sport, profession, or other endeavor.
What does it take to achieve it? Will power is critical; in fact you have to have tremendous will power along with a passion. Goals are also essential. You have to have something to motivate you, and goals are usually what you are striving to achieve. But how does super- motivation differ from ordinary motivation? Basically, it's taking it a notch higher. It's motivation along with a fierce or stubborn determination to achieve a goal. It's what olympic athletes have when they are training. It's what other athletes -- golfers tennis players and so on -- had when they were struggling to reach the highest levels in their sport. Concert pianists and many others also had it. It's the motivation that takes you to the highest levels of success. People who have it push forward with no second thoughts. Their motivations is rifled in a particular direction, and they know where they are going and what they want to achieve.
Few people have this type of motivation, as it takes a tremendous dedication and an incredible amount of work. But it is the fastest way to success, and even if you are not concerned with reaching the highest levels in your field, it can help you achieve your goals faster. Many people become enthused about something, but lose their enthusiasm when they find out how much work is involved. The super-motivated don't let this stop them; they never lose their dream.
Super-motivation can, in fact, be used for many things that are difficult for some people to achieve. Stopping smoking is a good example. Many people are motivated to quit, but they try and try and never achieve their goal. Many people also try to lose weight and encounter the same problem. Simple, or moderate, motivation isn't enough; it doesn't take them where they want to go. What they need is super-motivation.
Super-motivation can also be applied to learning a new language, or a new technology quickly. Indeed, it can be used for many things. In particular, if you want to reach the highest levels in your profession, or any activity, you will do better with super-motivation.
It's important to remember, though, that super motivation requires a strong desire and a passion to succeed -- a feeling of pushing forward and not worrying about obstacles. It is achieved best when you have a love for what you are doing, or want to achieve. The hardships are not problems; you see only the end result -- the rewards. You know you will succeed. You train, or study, or work feverishly toward your goal.
How Motivation Helps You
High motivation has benefits besides letting you achieve a goal faster than usual. It gives you self-esteem, and self confidence, particularly as you achieve partial goals (short-term goals along the route to you major goal). It makes you feel better about yourself, and you learn to deal with challenges and problems more effectively. You learn how to deal with worry as you become more and more confident you will succeed. You will also likely be happier, and more satisfied with your life. Each day will be a new adventure.
How to Get Motivated: First Steps
First of all you have to be motivated to do something. So decide what you want. What is your goal? Think about your passion for it. Ask yourself if you are passionate enough. It can't just be a "wish;" a simple wish is not enough. See it as a serious goal. Get excited about it; learn everything about to make sure you are positive it is something you want passionately. Read about others that have succeeded in the same field or activity. Find out how they made their way to the top, and what problems they experienced on route.
Build anticipation as you think about how you are going to achieve your goal. Set up a plan. think it through carefully as you modify, adjust and refine it. Get excited about the plan. Write out each step with short term goals along the way and time limits for each. Post the goals where you can see them. Look at them every day.
How to Increase Your Motivation
Several things can be used to increase your motivation. One of the best is to use mantras, or slogans. Think about them as you read through them. Typical of them are;
"If you believe in yourself, anything is possible."
"You can do anything you set your mind to."
"Challenge yourself -- you may be surprised.
"If you want to accomplish anything in life, you can't just sit back and hope it will happen. You have to make it happen."
"You are what you think of all day.'
Self-talk is also of considerable value. We all have a little voice going on in our head all day. Use it to talk to yourself (but be careful of doing it out loud in public). Use it to inspire yourself. Tell yourself that you can do it. Think of the little voice as a motivational speaker. Talk passionately to yourself, let yourself go. Pump yourself up with enthusiasm. Encourage yourself.
Closely associated with this is affirmations. They are brief statements you say to yourself for encouragement. If you say them enough, you soon begin to believe them. Examples are:
"I will succeed, nothing can stop me."
"I can do it. I will keep at it."
Do this frequently throughout the day 
It's also important to visualize your goals as if they are already accomplished. Think about how you will feel. See the rewards. Feel happy and satisfied with life. Don't let the hard work get you down. Thrive on it, and the best way to do this is keep your energy up with good health habits. This will help fuel your motivation. Finally, don't let mistakes slow you down, and don't let them depress you, Learn from them and move on.
What to Do When Your Motivation Slumps
We all have bad days. Even the most motivated and enthusiastic people have the occasional bad day, and for most of us there will be more than a few. Don't be discouraged; expect them and learn how to deal with them. A few things that help are:
  • Find inspiration in books and articles. When your motivation starts to slump read about people who have achieved the goal you want. Keep several articles of this type ready for use. Read them over and over whenever you need them.
  • Keep your eye on the benefits and rewards. Don't think about the hard work you're going through, think about the rewards.
  • Squash any negative thoughts, in particular, thoughts about quitting, and whether it's really worth it. Don't let them enter your mind, and if they do, substitute positive thoughts for them immediately.
  • Remember that this moment of your life is precious. It will never come again, and you may never have another chance to attack your goal. Live for today; tomorrow may be too late.
  • Reward yourself for accomplishing what you have so far. I'll leave the kind of reward up to you.
  • Face problems and challenges one at a time. The problem with some people is that they get overwhelmed and don't know how to attack all the problems they are facing. It's important to take them on one at a time and overcome them.
  • Don't let people deter you. If you have done your homework, know your abilities, and know what is ahead of you and are confident you can achieve your goal, don't let naysayers influence you. Ignore "You could never do that" talk.
  • Talk to positive people. Get encouragement from them. Surround yourself with as many as possible.
  • Always finish what you are doing. You will have many short term goals before you meet your major goal. Finish each one at a time. Use determination to get through each.
  • Music is sometimes helpful. When you are down, sing a cheerful long; use it to lift your spirits.
The Magic Ingredient of Motivation: Hope
The spark that triggers motivation is hope, and it's the flame that keeps it going. Hope is desire. It's the expectation of realizing your dream, and it's important that you keep it alive.
Never lose hope; it gives you strength and it keeps you going. It is essential for strong motivation. The hope for something better gives you motivation; it's the fuel that keeps you going.
When you're feeling low, hope is what pulls you out of it. Hope is what makes you set goals. Hope gives you faith that you will succeed. And if you have tremendous hope for something, you will eventually get it. It's the magic ingredient, and something you definitely need.
How to stay Motivated for Life
Motivation for a single or even several goals is important, but even better is motivation for life. It gives your life meaning and makes it more complete. So once you have motivation don't let it stop, and the best way to do this is to keep it alive by thinking about it every day.
True motivation can be exciting. It fills you with enthusiasm and anticipation. You bounce out of bed every morning eager to go. Each new day is a new adventure to you. And indeed you can sustain motivation for as long as you want, as long as you try. Remember that motivation depends mainly on two things: emotions and imagination. Your emotions fire your feelings, and give you the urge to continue, and your imagination helps stoke the fire.
Barry Parker, Ph. D., is a professor emeritus (physics) at Idaho State University. He is the author of 25 books on science, health, writing, and music. His website is and he has several blogs, one of them is at He has done research in biophysics (mutations in the DNA molecule) and in relativity theory (Einstein's field theory), has a strong interest in health and fitness, self-improvement, and in music (particularly piano). He taught a writing class at ISU for several years. One of his recent books is "Feel Great Feel Alive."

Wednesday, 1 November 2017

Why Too Much Sugar is Dangerous For Your Health


Sweet on the lips and taste buds, a little bit of sugar is fine from time to time. But too much sugar can have some very adverse effects on your health. For women's fitness issues, the obvious problem with too much sugar is an expanding waistline or widening hips. But it's the hidden damages that sugar is responsible for that you need to be aware of.
Most of us know the effects of too much sugar when it relates to our teeth. The fact that sugar can cause cavities, holes actually in our teeth is reason for pause because tooth enamel is the hardest tissue in our body. If sugar can penetrate this substance it's understandable why it can be the source of other harmful effects in our internal system.
While it is true our bodies need sugar (glucose) since this is the only fuel the brain can use, it's important to note that a fully functioning body produces enough sugar for the body through the natural digestion of whole, unprocessed foods. By eating healthy carbohydrates like fruits and whole grains you can give your body all of the glucose it needs without ever having to eat refined white or brown sugar.
Refined sugar has been stripped of all of its vitamins, minerals and fiber and therefore does not digest naturally. In order to metabolize sugar through the kidneys, the heart is forced to work extra hard. On top of that, when sugar is released in the bloodstream, it causes an influx of adrenaline, which also puts unnecessary stress on the heart. Eating sugar before going to bed makes the heart work exceptionally hard and puts your health in danger.
The average American eats 2 to 3 pounds of sugar a week. That includes table sugar used in coffee, brown sugar used in cooking, soft drinks, sweetened tea and processed foods containing sugar. It has addictive properties that make breaking the habit as hard withdrawing from some narcotics. But it is possible to get the sugar monkey off your back.
Begin by adding one extra fruit to your daily diet each week or every two weeks. For each fruit you add, subtract one teaspoon or one source of processed foods such as cookies or cake from your diet. Substituting fruit for processed sugar will change your taste buds and train them to appreciate the fructose in place of the sucrose. It may take some time, but it will be a change that you can live with for the rest of your life.
However, you may find that you can withdraw from sugar permanently by going cold turkey. If this works for you then by all means, go for it. However, remember that your body does need the complex carbohydrates found in fruits for proper brain function and digestion. One of the great side effects you will find when you eradicate refined sugar from your diet will probably be weight loss. Because sugar is so hard to digest, it takes longer to move it through the body. Substituting fruits instead, means you'll consume fewer calories for the taste while enjoying foods that move quickly and effectively through your body.
Karen Ficarelli is the founder and CEO of, a diet, exercise program and women's fitness blog, developed especially for women. A mother of three, Karen knows how hard it is to fit everything into a busy schedule. A fitness author, personal trainer, Pilate's instructor, sports nutritionist, fitness model, wife and mom, Karen is passionate about helping other women reach their fitness goals. She knows firsthand that the desire to attain a healthy, slim and well-toned body is just as important as any other dream that a woman can have. But going a step further, Karen understands that to achieve that dream, you first must believe in it. Think it, believe it, achieve it... ... the website for women's fitness.
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