Tuesday 22 August 2017

7 Daily Habits of Exceptionally Successful People

Click here to read a great article on the:

7 Daily Habits of Exceptionally Successful People

When you see people who are capable of accomplishing extraordinary things, you can’t help but wonder, What is it that makes them so different?
Numerous studies show recurring characteristics congruent with high achievers. Exceptionally successful people…

1. Plan each day with purpose and action.

Sunday night gets a bad rep because it means having to face another week, back on the treadmill, spinning the wheel once again. Successful people plan their days (yes, even Sundays) different, better, more exciting, more purposeful, more meaningful. Tony Robbins says action without a higher degree of purpose is a waste of time. How much of your life are you designing? .......
read the rest of the article here:

7 Daily Habits of Exceptionally Successful People

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