Wednesday, 9 August 2017

The World's Healthiest Relationships - How to Enjoy No-Regret Relationships


Most of us have a few regrets about our relationships. That's just life.
This article is about how you can learn from your regrets and use them to strategically build exceptional relationships . . . relationships that are so good you won't have future regrets in your personal or professional life . . . relationships that will reward you with great happiness.
No Regret Relationships
I got the idea for "No Regret Relationships" from one of the hardest experiences of my life - a near death experience. As I lay in my hospital bed recovering from the tragic event that almost took my life, I realized the utter importance of relationships . . . and I suddenly understood I had never given my relationships enough attention . . .
Nor had I been as loving and caring as I wished.
So I developed a plan to enhance all my current relationships and to make the most of future relationships. While doing this, I developed a relationship coaching program to help my clients create the most satisfying and enjoyable relationships possible. The following brief ideas are taken from my no-regret relationship coaching program.
How To Conduct No Regret Relationships
1. Put your relationships first.
2. Live your life in such a way as you will not harm anyone. In other words, simply do no harm in your relationships. Conduct all relationships in a manner so you will do right by everyone, even if they are unkind to you. 
Yes, this is harder than it sounds, but it's possible . . . if you set this lofty but attainable goal, and really go after it, you can do it.
If you apply this idea to all forms of communication in your relationships, your relationships will become intensely more satisfying!
2. Accept responsibility for your actions, admit you are wrong, apologize and take swift and certain steps to make a bad relationship better. If you accidentally do harm or make a mistake in your relationships, fix it immediately.
3. Prevent regrets. That means you will actively care for your relationships and keep them in such good working order that you allow no regrets to occur.
You won't put off relationship responsibilities.
You will enjoy remarkably healthy relationships that will bring you endless benefits when you do your best by each and every relationship in your life . . . and if your life suddenly ended, you would leave without regret . . . because all your relationships would be in tip-top shape. This would bring new meaning to the process of death and dying . . . and incredible peace of mind.
Think of it, all the people in your life would be better in some way because of you!
You would leave a legacy of excellent, loving relationships . . . and through those relationships you would leave the world a better place. Many ripples would go out from those relationships, ripples affecting many situations and people. Through your relationships, both more important and less important, you would make a significant impact upon the affairs of others.
Above all, you would leave a marvelous example of how to live and love and serve. You would be a relationship benefactor to many, whose loving acts would impact countless others.
Unquestionably your positive influence would live on long after you.
4. Inject a newfound generosity and kindness into your relationships, and think of every relationship as having the potential to change lives. Love and relationships are the pathways of our expression. Relationships are the means by which we express our love.
5. Listen with every ounce of your energy when people share themselves with you. Listening from your heart takes courage, will power and self-discipline, but it does wonders for people! And it will do wonders for you, if you listen to discover new ways you can contribute to your relationships. 

Listening with great focus and energy allows you to explore ways you could not only give more to your relationships, but become more thoughtful and appreciative, or find small but creative ways to touch lives.
The beauty of the ideas behind No Regret Relationships is their simplicity and power. And they work! They've worked for many of my clients, and they'll work for you, too.
My near death experience showed me just how important our relationships truly are . . . and how priceless! Also, it gave me a refreshing perspective on death and dying. One that has helped me to see relationships as precious and sacred cargo.
Give to your relationships and they will give to you unimaginable treasures.
Take these techniques for a test drive. What a favorable impact they'll have on your relationships, great or small.
Richard Hamon is a dynamic coach and therapist with 30 years of professional experience. Richard helps people to solve their relationship problems, enjoy truly extraordinary marriages and find exceptional success in all areas of their lives.
You'll find all kinds of articles on how to spice up your relationships and lead a happier life at Richard's website, Find out about personal coaching programs to assist you in quickly reaching your loftiest goals. Discover eBooks, relaxation CDs and other informative products, such as a free relationship quiz to help you assess your relationship.
For more information on conducting state-of-the-art relationships, the latest research on true happiness, and Richard's products and services, please go to:
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