Wednesday 16 August 2017

Everyone Needs Encouragement


When you come into this world you are greeted by people who love you, your mother being the first person. This is both a scary and exciting moment in the sense that you have spent the last nine months in a secure and comfortable place and finally the moment has arrived to take on the world.
As we do this the nostalgia often lingers in our consciousness and then takes a back seat into our subconscious as a memory that never really fades away. There is a reason for this. It is the security, that connection to mother that we always need. This has a deeper level to it and has to do with our connection to the one Spirit that is within everything. This is the true nostalgia that we feel and as our life continues we always have that memory within us. The love that we feel we try to find outside because we are taught that what we need is outside of ourselves. This is not true, however, it is how most people view the world and see their lives.
Encouragement from others is a reminder that we are valued and that we serve a purpose in this world. It takes great strength to stand alone and if the patterns that we are conditioned by do not teach us this paradigm of self-love then it is confusing to feel so alone and unappreciated in the world.
A big part of our life is often spent working and when people invest so much of themselves in a job it is important that they feel that what they are doing and accomplishing is appreciated to some degree. The more it is valued the more the individual will want to do better. This strengthens the feeling of being accepted and brings up a further sense of community and oneness with their fellow man. The end goal being a return to where they began, the womb of creation, where we all came from. This is love, what we are all after and what the foundation for encouragement is.  
When people feel encouraged they feel loved, when they feel loved they feel valued. When they feel valued they are able to let their true self shine through, bettering the world, the people in it and themselves a well.
The harmony that comes from taking a few moments out of your day to acknowledge something positive about another person can work wonders and be just what the person needed. Is it too much to ask? Is it too hard to find something to encourage about another? If it is then ask yourself, do you value yourself? Do you love yourself? Your inner world creates your outer world and if you refuse to compliment or encourage another then quite often you have some deep-rooted issues about self-acceptance that you are ignoring. People are more transparent than they think they are and the mask you hide your true self behind often has cracks and there is only so much glue and makeup that you can cover it with before the cracks come through and are visible, even on the cloudiest of days. Are you picking up what I'm throwing down here? Love yourself and then naturally that love will flow out from you to others as words of encouragement and inspiration. The harmony and productiveness that will come from it will move mountains and help to bring our crippled society into a better place.
Businesses need to invest to grow and prosper, what better investment than to encourage the people that work for you or with you, so that what you have to offer will be the best that it can be because it was made by people who feel valued and worth something.

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