Thursday 31 August 2017

Optimize Effective and Efficient Behavior For Increased Success


Ask any successful business owner or entrepreneur and they will tell you one of the number one rules to optimizing the success of a business starts with producing effective results with the greatest efficiency. This may not seem like a concern if you don't own your own business, but even as an employee, or home maker, your success is riding on your ability to perform with the greatest effectiveness and efficiency.
Whether you are an employee or business owner, it is your goal to be as effective as you can with the greatest efficiency. If you are an employee, the more effective and efficient you are, the greater asset you present to your employer. As a business owner, the more you can optimize these two factors, the greater return on investment you will realize in your business.
So how do you improve your career or business by improving effectiveness and efficiency? Let's begin by reviewing the difference between the two terms:
Effective - Producing a decided, decisive or desired effect. Effective emphasizes the actual production of or the power to produce an effect or result.
Efficient - Acting or a potential for action or use in such a way as to avoid loss or waste of energy in effecting, producing or functioning.
Effectiveness is the building block, while efficiency is the process of refinement. The better you become at effecting positive results with the greatest efficiency of effort, the bigger asset you become - and so does your business.
Optimizing effectiveness and efficiency doesn't have any relation to IQ or intelligence levels, it's really an awareness of your habits. It's a delicate balance between effecting positive results with the least amount of energy expenditure. This essentially means that you expend the least amount of energy with the largest return - while effectively creating the desired result.
Optimizing your effectiveness and efficiency is vital to your success. Your personal life depends on it and so does your professional life.
Let's start by discussing improving effectiveness. What does this actually mean? In the most basic terms, you must first learn how to create positive effects, change or results; though by definition you could be effective at producing negative effects. However, our focus is on becoming proficient at producing positive effects. The better you become at effectively creating desired results, the better your personal and professional life becomes.
So how do you know if you are being effective? The first step is to ask yourself what kind of actions you are taking. If the goal is to produce a desired result, every step between the initial action and completed action needs to be in support of the desired result. 

Recall a situation or project that produced a less than optimal result. If you go back through the series of actions that led to the result, can you pinpoint what might have triggered the shift from the direction of positive results to non-effective results? When the "trigger" can be identified, you can learn from that experience and be more effective in future situations by changing or avoiding the action that created the negative result. Being effective is nothing more than a series of evaluations of past results to identify and separate the successful actions from the negative actions.
This evaluation process not only applies to your professional life, it applies to your personal life as well. Your career or your business is only as good as you are - which is why self-improvement is a vital part of your professional success. If you cannot learn to effect positive results, the success of your business will be limited. For optimal success, a dedication to improving effectiveness in your personal life is important.
Don't ever think your career or business doesn't have anything to do with you personally. Remember, the effects that are created in your professional life are a direct reflection of you. Every situation, whether professional or personal, deserves adequate evaluation for your improved success.
Now let's discuss efficiency. Effectiveness is the building block and efficiency is the process of refinement. Think of it as a sort of horse and carriage. Improving efficiency isn't possible until you actually learn how to effect results. While it is possible to be effective without being efficient, only having one of the two strengths is like missing the other piece to the puzzle. To truly be a force to be reckoned with and to grow your business, you must be able to effect positive results with the greatest efficiency.
We all have the same number of hours in a day to complete our tasks, so you must learn to produce desired results with the least amount of energy lost. This is probably one of the most common concerns many people have. They wonder how they can do more under time constraints. Ask yourself, how are you spending your time? In order to make more time and become better at what we do, we must learn to improve our effectiveness and efficiency.
Although most people resist it, calendaring is a great tool for improving effectiveness and efficiency. When you put everything in your calendar and honor it, you'll find your focus improves because you have daily tasks staring right back at you in black and white. Schedule everything in your calendar including showers, drive time, calls, marketing time, client interviews, lunch, and workouts. For every task add a 15-30 minute buffer. This buffer will serve to add to peace of mind if unexpected delays come up. If you are actually running ahead of schedule, then you can get a head start on the next task and actually complete more in less time.
Improving effectiveness and efficiency may require improving organizational skills, maintaining a greater focus, task delegation, getting eight hours of sleep every night, or any other number of factors. Although adjustments vary from person to person, the factors remain constant and compile a set of success principles. Begin working on increasing your effectiveness and efficiency today and enjoy the benefits you receive as a result. You'll find that you will accomplish more in less time and feel great about your progress every day.
Take advantage of a Free 27-page Special Report, Keys to Working Less, Making More Money, and Having a More Balanced Life, and 9 other Free resource tools at Obtain your copy of the 'Excuses Don't Count; Results Rule' book, and get results in just 30-days with the powerful 30-day self-study course. A myriad of other proven resources are available to you so you can be even more successful - personally and professionally.
Review and utilize the success-oriented resources and tools and subscribe to so you can receive consistent feedback on how to stay focused and productive and achieve your goals so you can be even more successful and have a truly balanced life.
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Sunday 27 August 2017

Moving Forward Into the Past


MEMORIES hold the key to identity. What we cannot forget seems tied to how we see ourselves. Then, there is acceptance; healing wounds and thankfulness for joys of past.
I cannot explain it (though I would like to) but when I look at photographs of past I cannot help wanting to go back there. The past is a gift. I recognise the past was pivotal in making me the person I am today.
I think of the town I was brought up in; the same town my eldest two children began life from. Locals who were there then tell me so much has changed, and in some ways that's a pity, but the ground does not change.
Standing upon ground of our formation is sacred. One day I will return to walk the areas of my formative years. And I will want a week or two to really reflect and pray.
I'm so fond of those memories of old that seem to swell when we revisit old friends and their memories join with ours, as we all remember different details. Memories of old make for reminiscences of a full life.
Isn't it glorious that God gives us each the opportunity to revisit the past? Some parts of our pasts, of course, could be horrendous. I'm personally unaware of anything I could not return to, but I know others can be affected. If it's at all possible, we can return to those times of past that were pivotal in making us or revealing us as the people we are today.
I'm wondering whether it's possible to move forward freely into a hope-filled future without having first reconciled aspects of our past that might continue to goad us. And how do we actually reconcile them?  

We bear them, consciously. With help if necessary. We bear our memories and build them based in the truth of what we can remember. We learn to accept them. We accept those past versions of ourselves, for better, for worse. We accept others, for better, for worse. We reach acceptance, which is peace, for now. We conjoin peace with thankfulness.
I've discovered the past is pregnant with opportunity for healing, which birthed me into new life for the present.
First, I move forward into my past. I reconcile it. I take the journey forward into it. Leaving no stone unturned. Accepting difficult reminiscences. Knowing God holds me safely whilst there. Before returning to the present.
Moving forward into the past is pivotal if we're to look back positively from the future.
When we've dealt with our past - neither denying it nor angry or depressed about it - hope, peace and joy fills our lives.
Steve Wickham holds Degrees in Science, Divinity, and Counselling. Steve writes at: and
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Wake Up With Determination

Amazing Motivational Video - very powerful

Saturday 26 August 2017

Leadership Starts From Within


The global recession, directly or indirectly, will impact leadership - yours, your market, your competition, your region and, yes, your nation. Why?
Because leadership is ubiquitous. It is all around us. It is of primary importance. Yet, it is seemingly underserved, undervalued and under resourced. Need some proof?
According to the Development Dimensions International 's Global Leadership Forecast 2008/09 (1) from research of 1493 HR professionals and 12,208 business leaders across 76 countries: 
  • 75% of business leaders identified that improving or leveraging of leadership talent was their #1 priority.
  • Only 41% of business leaders are satisfied with the help they get to develop leadership capabilities.
  • One of the core needs within organizations is to create a sustainable supply of quality leaders.
  • The primary skill shortfall amongst organizations is in leadership skills and interpersonal skills.
Leadership is a leaking bucket. All organizations, large and small, from the family to local sport team to government to the boardroom of a leading global company, will at some time need to replace leaders. This arises from necessity and/or from natural attrition. From the information above, there is clearly a pervasive problem or, in a more positive tone, there is an opportunity - an opportunity to address this chronic shortcoming. How?
Start with yourself. Leadership starts from within.
To begin to explore this important distinction let's start by looking at the definition of leadership.According to the Oxford Dictionary leadership is the action of leading a group of people or an organization, or the ability to do this.
To lead is to cause (a person or animal) to go with one by holding them by the hand, a halter, a rope, etc. while moving forward.
Leadership therefore requires influence, direction and action. However, for leadership to manifest so that others follow, it stands to reason that the leader, whoever or whatever that may be, must first influence themselves, give self-direction and act on that direction.
Chronic Question
There exists a perennial question about leadership - "Are leaders born or made?" or to rephrase it "Nature versus nurture".
Why does it need to be one or the other? Do you see many babies leading Fortune 500s or governments or the local sports team? Regardless of your opinion or perceptions one thing is for sure. Leadership is something into which you grow. Importantly, we are all born to lead ourselves at least!
In nature there must be reasonably synchronous growth regardless of the "ecosystem". Teenagers may experience growing pains when their bones are growing at a faster rate than their muscles. Our DNA is programmed so that eventually growth levels out and all systems are aligned and developed to their full design specification.
An individual promoted to a new role in an organization can experience a skill, attitude and/or ability gap compared to the new demands. To address the gap or deficit, the same individual must seek within first and begin the process of change there.
Admittedly, in organizations it is possible to experience growing pains too - sales and demand exceed the ability to supply and/or service the customer. Leadership must, therefore, develop within the organization to address the imbalance and ensure that harmony is restored.
What Does Google Have To Say?
As Google is the #1 search engine, it gives an impartial and objective perspective on leadership.
Just by typing in "leadership" yields 118 million results - sites, references etc. According to Google AdWords searches on the word "leadership" receives >4 million hits globally per month. Both of these facts suggest that leadership is a topic of significant interest and that there is a huge diversity of data, opinions, perceptions, models, styles, concepts and experts. The monthly searches also suggest there is a perpetual quest for answers, solutions and information on leadership.
Interestingly, when the global search is narrowed there are only: 
  • 4400 hits per month for "successful leadership"
  • 33,100 hits per months for "effective leadership" and
  • 18,100 hits per month for "self-leadership".
It is interesting that, in the face of all the need out there for leadership, the refined search on successful and effective leadership globally produces comparatively so few hits. Why is that? Is there a global delusion that we just need to know more about leadership or just understand it better rather than define what it takes to make a good leader or even a great one or to establish a legacy of outstanding leadership?
People - Your Most Important Asset
The mantra that people are your most important asset is spoken around the world. Too bad the mantra is wrong.
People are not your most important asset - the right people are. And that is especially true for the right leaders. The right leaders will attract, inspire, develop and retain the right people. The right leaders will be intent on growing other leaders. The right leaders will start by growing themselves - from the inside out. They know that to be a great leader they have to establish their own strong foundation of principles, values and attitudes.
A skills-based approach to leadership, however, takes an outside-in approach. That is where many individuals, teams and organizations get it wrong and contribute significantly to the statistics of the Global Leadership Forecast 2008/9. A skills approach to leadership assumes that good foundations have been laid upon which to lay the skills. To outright ignore examining and establishing the right foundation is in place is a huge risk. Regrettably, whether assumptions have been made or the matter outright ignored, this often equates, effectively, to throwing skills on Teflon. The result is skills will not stick.
Applying the skills-based approach, consider a formula for success, here applied to leadership, as Be x Do = Have. Have = good right leadership. Do = skills. Be =? Without addressing the 'Be' it is no surprise that leadership is chronically found wanting. 

You get the people you deserve. It's your decision. For you to attract and lead better people you need to become the leader those people need and desire. That means you must invest in yourself first.
Where to Start
The majority of leaders should know and understand that people are the core building block of their team and/or organization. But to be an effective leader, you need to know the core building block of your people - their respective roles.
Many organizations just look at their people in their professional capacity. Whilst they may invest in their development and endeavour to lead them they often miss the mark. To ensure that your leadership "fits" and attracts the right people doing the right things to generate the right results, you need to ensure that you take into account all the roles each person comes to work with - within and outside the team or organization. This means you must address their personal roles outside of work e.g. parent, spouse, charity volunteer, team captain of local hockey team and coach of daughter's swim team (5 roles).
All of a person's roles show up at work. A leader is no different. They have as many if not more roles. The right leader will be addressing their growth and development in each role according to priorities and available "resources" (time, money etc.).
Self-leadership therefore begins by identifying core roles, prioritizing them, planning their development and then acting on the plan. To do all that it must begin from within.
Interestingly, a leader will attract into their lives people and circumstances from which to learn and grow. Life is, after all, a mirror. The quality of your leadership is determined by the quality of your relationships.
There are two often quoted adages - love your neighbour as yourself and do unto others as you would have them do unto you. These both stress the importance of meaningful relationships and emphasize that all relationships start with you.
So leadership starts with your relationship with yourself. To improve your relationships with others so that you can become a better leader, you need to improve your relationship with yourself first. Regrettably, this revelation is often overlooked and/or not given the attention it is due.
A Critical Ingredient
Any relationship starts with you. Leadership starts with you. Self-leadership (and any leadership for that matter), to be effective, is dependent on the ability to communicate well - internally and externally. There is plenty of focus on external communication. For example, throughout the school systems around the world there is an emphasis regarding training around the messages from our mouth and from our pen or keyboard. However, what has been sadly overlooked is the greater importance of our internal communication.
All communication starts as a thought before it is translated into words and messages. How many of us have allowed ourselves to "speak first and think later"? What was the result? In many instances it likely created some unwelcome ripples in your life and in your leadership.
We all have an internal voice - actually we have two - our internal ally or our internal adversary. Our ally is working for us. Our adversary is working against us. As a leader which voice is loudest most often or to which one do you listen to most? When the adversary prevails it is often because we are reacting to a situation or challenge. Self-leadership knows to proactively and consciously control the voice to which it listens.
With self-leadership our internal (and external) communication must be open, honest, clear, timely and, at times, radical. Integrity then flows from this. When our thoughts line up with our words our actions will follow in alignment. We are congruent. We walk the talk. When we do that people do what people see. Your self-leadership then flows into leadership.
Parting Questions
To help initiate your self-leadership here are some extremely helpful questions for you to consider: 
  1. What is the detailed profile of the ideal leader for you, your team or your organization?
  2. What are the foundations for self-leadership?
  3. On a scale of 1-10 (1 being poor and 10 being excellent) how do you score on self-leadership?
  4. In the event you did not score a 10 for #3 what do you need to be and/or do to improve your score to an 8+?
  5. How do you encourage and develop self-leadership individually and/or as team or organization?
  6. Where applicable, how will you integrate self-leadership into your existing leadership development?
There is a global need for leadership - always will be. The important distinction is the need for great leadership. Great leaders lead themselves well first. But before they become great they know they have to grow into it. To do that means they must invest in themselves first and begin that by developing themselves from the inside out role by role. Ultimately, the quality of your leadership is determined by the quality of your relationships which are determined by the quality of your internal or self-communication.
Leadership brings change. Change is inevitable; growth is optional. To grow as a leader, whether as an individual, team or organization, you must therefore change. That change must begin with you. Leadership starts from within you.
Copyright 2011 Serendipity Global Ltd & Dr Richard Norris
Dr Richard Norris delivers global transformation through a focus on self-leadership delivered through coaching and speaking (although he prefers the term "messaging". He is the author of Hoof it! 7 Key Lessons on Your Journey of Success, an engaging parable, and a contributing author and editor in several business books and publications.
Article Source:

Programming your mind for success | Carrie Green | TEDxManchester

Another great TED talk

Friday 25 August 2017

How To Lose Belly Fat The Fastest - Zumba Dancer Workout For Beginners S...

Get ready for the weekend - get in shape and have some fun!

Why Exercise? Here's Why


In my mid 30's I was diagnosed with some pretty severe health problems. I can recall the days that I was so run down and so sick, that my work days were shortened to about 3-4 hours a day. This made it tough for my clients because my best hours were from 10:00- 2:00. For that reason, most of my work had to be done from my home office.
During that time I would make it a point to go for a walk at 10:00 in the evening. This was extremely tough for me. As I struggled to make a mile, I wondered if I'd ever get my health back? Exercise and physical activity were always a huge part of my life. Now I spent the majority of my days in bed.
Around age 40 my wife really started to push me. Not in a way that was bad. But, in a way from inspiration. Slowly our walks became longer. I started to workout again in the mornings. While some days I could only manage 10 minutes. My thought process was 10 minutes beats 5. And given my health at that time, I was willing to take any little victory I could get.
Over the course of 3 decades working in mental health, I would often make lateral moves into the fitness industry as a consultant in health and wellness. Working with both local and national chains, I managed several weight loss programs. I knew how weight affected the individual both from a health and mental health standpoint. So, while I would focus on diet from a disease perspective, I would use exercise for overall wellness. 

There is no doubt that we all can benefit from daily exercise. And you really do not need to invest in a lot of time to get results. Personally I strive for an hour a day 7 days a week. That's just feels right to me. When I finally was able to regain my health, I promised myself that I would do everything to preserve it. That said, you can see real results in as little as 20 minutes a day 3-4 times a week. What kind of results? Lets take a look at some of the benefits in regular exercise.
1. Reduce stress, depression and anxiety. Exercise has a direct effect on our brain chemistry. A good 30 minute walk or run should release those endorphins. When this happens, you'll feel less stress and increased energy.
2. Confidence does not come easily for most of us. How do we build it? Get moving. Exercise gets you feeling good. When you feel good, you tend to have a better self- image. Better self- image? Oh yeah. There's your confidence.
3. Slows down the aging process. More importantly the cognitive decline. Exercise will not stop this process completely. But, it will help slow it down. And the earlier you start to exercise, the better off you should be.
*Exercise is important at all stages of life. But for cognitive function, starting to exercise between the ages of 25-45 seem most important.
4. Can help control addiction. This can happen two- fold. First, as you exercise you brain releases dopamine {the feel good chemical.} For many in recovery this can be a good substitute. Secondly, exercise can give your life some sense of order, meaning that leads to self- worth. And as an added bonus, exercise that is built into your daily schedule can offer as a distraction for those cravings.
From time to time I hear someone argue that exercise is just another form of addiction. Well it can be. Just as food, porn, shopping and most anything else. But, ask yourself if you would rather be addicted to exercise or drugs? Be stronger than your excuses.
5. When the blood gets flowing we seem to become more creative. This especially happens when we exercise outdoors.
There are so many good reason to start exercising. Some of my biggest success with clients didn't come in the form of a mental health session. They came for a weight loss session. When a person has been diagnosed with several life threatening conditions and then they commit to a wellness process, that is a big success.
In my early 30's I received a call from a women who wanted to see me as a Hypnotherapist. However, when she arrived at my office and I was doing my intake on her, she went onto talk about how she was diagnosed with a brain tumor, breast cancer and several digestive disorders. I quickly thought to myself that my office manager gave me the wrong client file, and that she was there for end of life issues. Or to see the doctor that I worked alongside of. When I questioned her about what she was being seen for, she said without hesitation, I am here to lose 20 pounds so I look good in a bathing suit on vacation. Wow! I love it.
Over the next couple of weeks not only did we use hypnosis, but she was open to change. With some corrections to diet and adding some exercise, not only did she drop the weight, but her digestive problems faded away. I never did see her again after she left for vacation. I can't help but believe we added to the quality of life that she had before.
And just as I found out years later about the power of movement, there are no wonder drug to be found. But if there were, exercise would be one of them.
Now stop reading and get off the computer. Get yourself moving!
Article Source:

Thursday 24 August 2017

Five Secrets to Unlimited Motivation


Motiv-Hate or Motivate
5 secrets for unlimited Motivation
In life we need energy to live, to exist and to do things with our life and with others. Yet sometimes we can miss life through talking ourselves out of it. Just like this:
• I just can't be bothered
• It's just too much effort, I'm tired
• It's not worth it, who cares
• Sure, one of these days...
• Yes, I know that I should, but...
Sound familiar? If this is you, and you are saying this to yourself and or to others, you are lacking one of the key ingredients in the recipe of life, MOTIVATION:
MOTIVATION; the psychological feature that arouses an individual to action toward a wanted goal; the reason for the action
So, we can define motivation but does that help? Usually not enough! What is this thing called 'motivation'? Where do you find it? How can we get motivated?
The first secret to share here is Secret No.1 'motivation is not a thing' it is not a noun. You will never trip over motivation that someone has left in the bathroom, nor will you find a chunk of it in the fridge! Has anyone ever bought a kilo of motivation from the shop? I think not!
If that is the case, then what is motivation, how can we be motivated and more importantly how can we motivate ourselves? Would you like unlimited motivation, does this interest you? If so, read on because that is the design of this article.
Motivation is a set of thinking strategies or processes that we run for ourselves... Did you notice what you just read? '...That we run ourselves! What does this mean? It means that we are responsible for how motivated or not we are! It means there is no point looking to another to provide motivation for us; in fact it is impossible for another person to motivate us, only we can decide what is or is not motivational to us. So Secret No.2 to motivation is 'we are responsible for the amount of motivation we have'. Can you start to sense the power you have over yourself when you take responsibility for you?
What is it that drives us to feel motivated? What drives motivation? Further, how does motivation drive us toward what we want, need or believe? What is this fuel? The answer brings us to secret No. 3, 'emotions are the fuel of motivation' and ultimately are what drive us! Let us take a look at how emotions 'drive or move us to action, the best place to start may be with the word 'emotion'.
E-motion, as we look more closely at this word we can see its structure. 

'E-nergy in motion';(e motion). Our emotions are our energy. Typically we can put emotions' into three distinctive categories:

• Positive
• Neutral
• Negative
As we can define our emotions into these three simple types, then what does that also say about our energy? Well, we can make the same distinctions for our types of energy; positive, neutral and negative energy. This leads us to Secret No.4 'People are motivated and can motivate themselves using these 3 different types of energy' so can you!
The affect of positive emotion often gives us the energy to move toward what we want or need, we somehow feel pulled or drawn (motivated). As we experience neutral emotions we can 'take it or leave it' and with negative emotions we experience discomfort, a form of pain and we (are motivated) try to get or move away from the cause of such. We can represent this with a diagram:
The Axis of Motivation
Whether we move away from the pain and consequences or toward the good feelings or outcomes in our life, both create energy that we put into motion to do something. This is motivation. Now what this gives us is a strategy for developing unlimited motivation for anything we want to do or have in life.
Typically, human beings have a preference to which end of the motivational axis they motivate or get motivated by. We can ask ourselves some questions to identify our own preference for getting motivated. Ask yourself the following questions and notice if you are motivated toward what you want or away from what you don't want:
I get out of bed in the morning;
1. Because I have to (away from)
2. Because I want to start the day (toward)
I take my medicine regularly;
1. Because I want to be well and live life as fully as I can (toward)
2. Because if I don't I will become ill or possibly die (away from)
When asked I will go out and socialise with others;
1. Because I like to meet and be with other people (toward)
2. Because it is rude not too and I don't want to upset anyone (away from)
I keep my home tidy;
1. Because I like it like that (toward)
2. Because I get moaned at if I don't, or someone unexpected may come round (away from)
I understand that regular exercise is healthy for you;
1. And I exercise because I want to get the health benefits from it (toward)
2. And I exercise because if I don't my health may get worse (away from)
I do things;
1. Because I can
2. Because I have to
How many 'towards' or 'away from' did you identify with? Most people will find themselves using motivation at just one end of the axis, either mainly toward or mainly away from.
Now that you have this understanding on how YOU are typically motivated, we can move to Secret No.5.
This secret is the one that brings all the other secrets together and will show you how to get unlimited amounts of motivation for the rest of your life! Secret No.5 says 'Combine both away from and toward energies at the same time and you will create a personal motivation that propels you into action'! By becoming aware of the other energy available to you, at the other end of the motivation axis you can ramp up the emotional motivation to get you to take action, to feel motivated and finally in control of you!
Either now or later, take 5 minutes to take yourself through the unlimited motivation pattern below. These x simple questions can be applied to anything that you need more motivation for, any time, anywhere. After you have used this pattern a couple of times you will be motivating yourself and possibly other like an expert!
The Unlimited Amounts of Motivation Pattern
1. Identify something in your life you want to have or be more motivated about (This can be anything, getting out more, going to the gym, or doing the housework, anything...)
2. Once you have identified something, write it down so you don't forget what you are working on
3. Notice your current motivation style associated with this activity, are you motivated away from or toward? If you are away from read and ask yourself part A, if you are toward, read and ask yourself part B
Part A, You are moving away from the pain or consequences, but you can put up with it for awhile. First notice how real the discomfort is, what else could be a problem or even more painful if you don't take action on this.
To add even more energy to your motivation notice what you will get that is good or pleasurable once you have taken the action or started the activity. Notice how good it feels and how good it will feel when you have completed this activity... So as you experience all of this about that activity, notice just how much energy you have for taking the step to be doing it... Go do it then!
Part B, You are moving toward the activity, but it doesn't pull on you enough to take any action. First notice just what attracts or pulls you toward it in the first place, that's right, now as you think about that, ask yourself, what is important to me about this...
What does the importance of this mean to you, how do you feel about it now, knowing this? Just imagine what it would mean if you never did this, you would never realise this meaning and its importance. It could be the start of procrastinating on other important and meaningful things in life, you wouldn't want that to be true would you? Be with this awareness, notice the heightened pleasure and possible pain if you don't act on this as soon as you can... Just now, notice HOW much energy and motivation you know have for this... Get on with it then!
Congratulate yourself on doing or starting the activity, notice how well you can motivate you to take the actions that are important to you. Notice the sense of independence and pride you have for yourself as you read this and start to take the first steps to becoming expert at developing your own motivation, imagine the possibilities you now have for your
Joseph W. Scott Managing partner @ TheCoachingRoom Pty Ltd, Sydney, Australia
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The psychology of self-motivation | Scott Geller | TEDxVirginiaTech

Take the next 15 minutes for learn how to get more from yourself.

Wednesday 23 August 2017

Success Is Progressive


Many people are in haste about success. They want to achieve success overnight. They burden themselves with thoughts about being successful. They make themselves restless by their inordinate ambitions to become successful. They have sleepless and restless nights because of their immoderate ambitions for success. If they would understand the laws of success, they would know that their problems (or worries) are unwarranted.
This is one of the reasons success remains beyond the reach of many people, despite their worries about achieving it. Success is progressive. It is not achieved overnight. It is also not achieved suddenly or accidentally. One of the implications of this is that the journey to success is one step at a time. The expressions, "The journey of a thousand miles starts with a step" and "Rome was not built in a day" best describe the claim that success is progressive.
According to Henry David Thoreau, "Success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it." The most important thing in achieving success is neither thinking about success nor talking about success. It is also not being (inordinately) passionate about achieving success. Rather, it is doing what you ought to do to achieve success, when you ought to do it, where you ought to do it, and how you ought to do it.
You waste time thinking about success if you are not working towards achieving it. You may also be wasting time working towards success if you are ignorant of the right things to do to achieve it. Being inordinately ambitious for success could be a gateway to self-destruction. As a matter of fact, it is inimical to success for several reasons. Success is not a product of accident or chance. Rather, it is the product of deliberate and strategic efforts.
Observations and experiences show that success is often achieved after series of trials, failures, disappointments, mistakes, errors, etc. Many of the earliest efforts that are geared towards achieving success often culminate in failures. The failures, however, are often preparations for success, but only when the lessons they teach are learnt, understood and applied in the subsequent efforts in the pursuit of success. This is why failure is not final.  

Being inordinately ambitious about success impoverishes you of the patience that is necessary for enduring, persevering, overcoming and learning from failures. This is why impatient people are not candidates for success. This is also why you should not be in a hurry in the journey to success. Not being patient enough to allow things work according to the dictates of time and law of natural order accounts for why many people fail in life.
When you are too fast, you may be running backwards. In addition, when you are too fast, you may also be heading towards doom and destruction. Consequently, always ensure that you are in the right direction before increasing your speed. Do not bother about success because it comes at the appointed time, as long as you do the right things at the right time, at the right place, and in the right way. This is a fundamental truism of life.
Being inordinately ambitious for success without doing the right things will get you to nowhere, even in a distant future. If you take care of the right things, the right results will take care of themselves. If you take care of the goals, success will take care of itself. If you take care of the seconds, the hours will take care of themselves. Success is progressive. If you focus your efforts on the right things, the right results will focus on you.
Eugene C. Onyibo is a motivational speaker, trainer, business coach, personal financial management expert, entrepreneur, philosopher and prolific writer. He is the publisher of Inspiration Express, an online inspirational magazine. You can click this link [] to see the magazine. He is also the author of Pathway to Success: Roadmap to Unlimited Sustainable Success, a best-selling inspirational book (on personal development) that has helped numerous people across the globe to optimize their potentials and achieve happy, successful, blissful, productive and fruitful lives. The book is available online at Eugene C. Onyibo (a wildly traveled, and also a much sought after, speaker at seminars, workshops, conferences, etc) is also a consultant of private and public organisations.

Former US Navy Admiral, William H. McRaven, conquers his day

Exceptional motivational speech - just start by making your bed!

Tuesday 22 August 2017

7 Daily Habits of Exceptionally Successful People

Click here to read a great article on the:

7 Daily Habits of Exceptionally Successful People

When you see people who are capable of accomplishing extraordinary things, you can’t help but wonder, What is it that makes them so different?
Numerous studies show recurring characteristics congruent with high achievers. Exceptionally successful people…

1. Plan each day with purpose and action.

Sunday night gets a bad rep because it means having to face another week, back on the treadmill, spinning the wheel once again. Successful people plan their days (yes, even Sundays) different, better, more exciting, more purposeful, more meaningful. Tony Robbins says action without a higher degree of purpose is a waste of time. How much of your life are you designing? .......
read the rest of the article here:

7 Daily Habits of Exceptionally Successful People

10 Tips for Improving Self Esteem

Keep thinking positively and improve your self-esteem.  Enjoy!

Monday 21 August 2017

7 Wealth Secrets


Money is power; it can be a vital source of happiness and a paramount entity for some people. The gurus can give you hundreds of secrets to becoming wealthy. But, the catch to the "get rich soon" equation is simply a law of attraction. On the contrary, some people ruin their lives by becoming hungry for money that results in destroying and harming themselves and others.
Although, a healthy monetary asset is essential to survive in the world, which also demands a comprehensive understanding of how the money game operates. We leave you with 7 wealth secrets that will enhance your income:
Firstly, to understand the game, it is vital that you acknowledge the universal truth, which is to acquire heaps of money. Once the mindset changes, you can strive to make your first million. Setting smaller and achievable goals can help you get focused.
Don't be Negative about it:
Secondly, try not to utter phrases like "I am poor". Picturing yourself to be rich can attract a lot of resources. It is vital to have an empowering mindset, which says; through my mental capacity and hard work I can achieve any task. The first person to convince in this situation would be you.
Taking your own wealth as a responsibility:
For instance, by creating wealth and jobs for others, you would create some for yourself. Not only that, you are also responsible for your family, stakeholders, and employers. A positive contribution to the society is only possible when you simultaneously have more than one income stream.
Find a mentor: 
Stick to like-minded friends and family members who are equally passionate about wealth. Searching for an industry mentor is probably the best thing you could do. By far some of the best teachers of life lessons are these mentors. Making excellent friends allows you to create an aura of success around you.
Make an outstanding use of all the resources that you have:
Time is a virtually the best resource, it is an incalculable asset. Time is everywhere, you have a lot of it, but how do you spend it?
Financial resources are secondary when we talk about time, therefore we must not waste it. You can make principles for smart time management. If you work well in the morning, then allocate it to time-consuming tasks.
Make a habit of saving:
Rest assured, the money that you earn will not last, so it is better to start investing in stocks, property, and gold. Hiring a team of financial advisors can be an option later on.
Make money flow through various sources:
Further, having more than one source of income would be a preeminent task. Once you have started to pay you bills and taxes, then you can focus on reinvesting the money into investment schemes. Opportunities would start to flow in your direction, with plenty of options as a back up.
By applying the rules mentioned above, you can achieve a sound financial independence. The law of attraction only works if you do. It clearly states that you can bring positivity in your life by focusing on positive thoughts. Likewise, remember, "What you seek is seeking you".

Warren Buffett's Top 10 Rules For Success (@WarrenBuffett)

Great video from Warren Buffett - take a look!

Sunday 20 August 2017

The Benefits of Simplicity


In Modern Life there are a seemingly endless series of options and avenues. At each turn, life seems to present numerous complications. It becomes hard to resist the allure of doing more things and trying to solve a myriad of problems. However, often we are consciously or unconsciously yearning for a more simple approach to life. If we can make an effort to bring more simplicity into our lives, we will find many benefits arise.
Peace of Mind. Simplicity doesn't necessarily involve living in a Spartan hut. Real simplicity begins in the mind. If we have numerous anxieties and problems it is not possible to have peace of mind. Simplicity means we learn to clear the mind and not allow ourselves to be bombarded by an endless stream of needless thoughts.
Living in the present. Complication in life arises because often we are worrying and planning about the future. We can become so concerned about what may happen tomorrow or next year that we forget to enjoy the present moment. To have one's focus on the here and now, is to encompass life as it is supposed to be. As Sri Chinmoy says: "Simplicity is our natural or conscious awareness of reality."
When we complicate life through our endless planning we bring tomorrow's problems into today. Yet it is always worth remembering that our worries and fears about the future often prove to be groundless.
Avoid Judgement. It is part of human nature to criticise and judge other people. It is very easy to make a long list of complaints and suggestions about other people. But does it help us when we highlight the faults of others? We should feel that we are not responsible for other people's thoughts and behaviour. If we feel it is our bounden duty to change others, there can be no simplicity and peace in our life. Rather than try to change others, let us just try to focus on changing ourselves. Our own weaknesses are probably more than enough to deal with.
Simplicity enables more to be achieved. Simplicity means that we are focused on one thing at a time. Simplicity means we can put all our concentration on just one thing. If we perform an action with no distractions then we can fulfil it quicker and more successfully. Often when we simplify our life we find we can actually achieve more than when we juggled several things at once.
"The simpler we can become, the sooner we shall reach our destination. A life of simplicity is a life of constant progress. It is in simplicity that we can make the fastest progress, progress which is everlasting." 
Simplicity and Beauty. Simplicity is often synonymous with beauty. For example, Zen gardens are at once simple, yet in that simplicity there is a beauty, which appeals to our soul. It is the same with Mother Nature; the essence of nature is its unspoilt beauty. Has man ever been able to improve on the beauty and simplicity of nature?
Be Happy with what we have. As George Bernard Shaw aptly said "There are two tragedies in life. One is not to get your heart's desire; the other is to get it." The nature of desire is that the more we get the more we want. When we get a new car, often after a while we are not satisfied and want to get something better. However real happiness comes when we are content with what we have and are free of desire.
Richard practices and teaches Meditation classes in his home town of Oxford. He writes on issues of spirituality and self development and contributes to a website on Spirituality. He is a meditation student of Sri Chinmoy

The lost art of simplicity: Bryan Byrd at TEDxKatuah 2013

Take time to pare down and simplify your life

Friday 18 August 2017

10 Golden Rules for Losing Weight Without Losing Your Mind


Not everyone is good at losing weight. Some of us often need to try harder than others. A lot of factors influence the weight loss process, including age, gender, metabolism rate, diet, and physical activity level. In this post, we have 10 essential weight loss tips that will work, as long as you follow a good diet plan and exercise regime.
1. Do not stress. That's one of the fundamental rules for losing weight. People often believe that spending hours in the gym is enough for losing pounds, which sadly isn't true. You have to avoid over thinking about the entire process.
2. Sleep enough. An adult person needs at least seven hours of sound sleep each day, and this doesn't mean taking small naps. You have to sleep enough so that your body can take the toll of exercises.
3. Don't skip your breakfast. Your breakfast should be the first and most heavy meal of the day because your metabolism rate is at its best. Make sure that you eat the right things, which can include oats, eggs, and fruits.
4. Add some nuts and seeds. Craving for smaller meals and snacks is absolutely normal, but instead of eating cookies and junk food, you can switch to nuts and needs. A spoon of flax or chia seeds is ideal for every meal too. 
5. Hydration is essential. You don't need magic weight loss drinks. Just drink enough water each day, and if possible, opt for vitamin enhanced water. Also known as alkaline water, it can help in regulating the metabolism rate.
6. Ditch sugar. If you cut down sugar intake for a month, you will see some significant changes in your body. Avoid all sorts of food that have any form of refined sugar. Fruits also have sugar and should be taken in moderation.  

7. Don't miss your carbohydrates. People often believe that carbs should be ignored completely, which isn't the ideal thing to do. Ideally, it is best to choose some of the complex carbohydrates, which require more time for digestion. Examples include oats and brown rice.
8. Do more of strength training. If you are extremely focused on losing weight from certain parts of the body, weight training and HIIT workouts are your best choices. Cardio is important, but it shouldn't be the prime concern all the time.
9. Opt for tea, not coffee. A cup of coffee per day won't hurt you for sure, but it is always best to go for teas. Herbal teas, including jasmine, chamomile, green tea, are great for the body and should do wonders to keep you away from aerated drinks and sodas.
10. Focus on long-term results. Weight loss is a process, which takes time. Fad diets and exercise regimes may help in losing a few initial pounds, but the results often don't last. You need to focus on eating right, and there is no reason to skip exercise. Try to lose weight sustainably.
Lastly, make sure that you are not losing your mind to dieting. As long as you have balanced meals, you should do fine.
I am a marketing representative of Tru Balance Water Inc seeks to introduce the highest quality alkaline health water to the masses at a competitive price while maintaining an Eco Friendly stance.

Meal Prepping for weight loss: Lunch & dinner

See if these healthy recipes help you to save some time, and some weight !!

Thursday 17 August 2017

Change your Career With our Ten Step Career Change Plan!

By Jonathan Lewis

So, you think it is time for a career change? Follow our nine step career change plan and you'll be well on the way to a more enriching life!
Many people are unhappy in their jobs, but you have made the big decision to change your career. So let's examine some of the reasons you might have decided that a career change is for you.
Perhaps you are looking for a career with a higher salary? Or looking for a career that allows for a better work life balance? You might have become bored with your current responsibilities, and be looking for a more exciting career? Perhaps a career with more travel? Or more opportunities to make a difference? Or you wish to combine your career with broader interests you have in life? Make sure, however, that it is a career change you are seeking, and not just a different employer in the same career.
Whatever the reason, you have made the biggest step of all, which is to decide to make your career change a reality!
So now what? Let's look at a nine point career change action plan for how you might attack your career change!
1) Choosing your new career
Assuming that you would like to use your career change, at least partly, to increase the enjoyment you get from the time you spend working, the first thing to do is to assess what you actually like doing!
2) Skills and experience for your career change
So now you know what you want to get out of your career change. Now you must assess whether you have the right skills and experience to get into your new career.
3) Training for your new career
If completing a career change we easy, all of us would be in our dream careers right now! So what is stopping us? Perhaps it is the additional skills which we need to build to be credible in our new career. Don't think that training, however, is restricted to job-related or academic courses. You can get the skills and experience you need for your career change in many other ways! 

4) Accepting a pay cut for your career change
Perhaps the main reason for your career change is to earn more money? If so, then that's great, but it's always wise to get as much information on your new career to ensure that you will actually earn more money doing it. If, however, your career change is not driven by wanting to achieve more money, you may need to accept a pay cut.
5) Financing your career change
Completing your career change may require a spell without paid employment. As well as tightening your belt, you should also do a thorough review of your financial position, including loans, mortgages and credit cards. By switching credit cards, you may find you can save money and get other benefits!
6) Relocating
Perhaps your main reason for your career change is to relocate to an area with a lower cost of living, or better schooling or a better climate. Even if it isn't, your career change might require a relocation - you won't find many opportunities to be a ski instructor in San Diego, for example!
7) Changing career without changing employer
Before you assume that you will need to leave your current employer to achieve your career change, have a look around and see if your career change goals can be satisfied where you are currently working.
8) Finding a new employer
There are a number of ways to find an employer which every job searcher knows - classified adverts, internet job-boards, employer directories etc. Many jobs, however, are never listed in classified adverts and on job-boards because they are filled as soon as they are announced!
To make sure that you are in with a chance, you must develop a strong network in the career you wish to change to.
9) Refreshing your job-hunting skills
The chances are, if you've been in your current position for a while, that your job-hunting skills could be quite rusty! So take the opportunity to brush up on these skills - you might only get one chance to make your career change successful!
10) Staying flexible to achieve your career change dreams
Finally, now that you've made the biggest step and chosen to pursue a career change, don't rush it! It may take a month or even a year to work out exactly what you want from your career change and to develop the skills, experience and network to get you into the right place within that career. Don't settle for something which is 'almost right' or you'll be going through the whole career change process again!
Jonathan Lewis is the founder and CEO of Careerfriend, a company committed to helping people succeed in their dream careers. His extensive experience of attracting, recruiting, retaining and developing exceptional people in management consulting and investment banking allows him to offer clear, actionable advice which has a great impact on people either looking for new jobs or looking to succeed further in their existing jobs.
The Careerfriend website ( contains free career advice articles to help people succeed in securing dream careers, from career and employer selection, through resume and cover letter writing, to interviewing, salary negotiation and ongoing career development.
Jonathan was educated at Cambridge University, UK and has advised major national and international corporations, both in the public and private sectors, on issues of corporate strategy, corporate organization, labor relations, personnel development.
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